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Gladius | Gladiator VR Sword Fighting Password


Updated: Dec 8, 2020

About This Game Gladius is an immersive VR sword fighting game set in the ancient Rome. As a gladiator, you will choose your weapons, train against different enemies, and finally fight for your freedom in an epic battle against the mightiest warriors and creatures of the ancient world.KEY FEATURES AT EARLY ACCESS LAUNCH:Sword fighting: Hold weapons directly in your hands, block enemy strikes with your shield or sword, throw your sword at the enemy, and cut their limbs and heads! The longer you play Gladius, the more you'll hone your skills. Bow and arrow: If swords are not your thing, you can still open your way in the arena with a bow. Use your arrows wisely as you have a limited number of them!Four Game Modes: engage in casual training in the small arena, survive in the blood arena, win a chariot race, or fight in campaign mode in the glorious Colosseum.Ten different enemies: Gladiators, Legionaries, Praetorians, Barbarians, Archers, Tigers, Lions, Skeletons, Mummies and Minotaurs.Four locomotion options: You can either teleport, sprint (dash), arm-swing, or use the trackpad movement. Energy system: allows you to teleport and to slow time for spectacular moves that will wow the crowd. Armory: Unlock new weapons, shields and helmets in the armory as you progress through the levels. Market: Buy new equipment with your hard earned cash in the arena. You can buy more weapons, shields, helmets and food! Three grip modes: You have different options to hold your weapons: "hold" maintain trigger pressed to hold the weapon, "sticky" use grip buttons to toggle the attachment, "lock" use the combination of grip+trigger to unlock your weapon and pick another one. Dynamic crowd: People in the stadium react to your actions, they root for you if you do spectacular moves, they get bored, and throw you food if you deserve it. Win the crowd, and you will win your freedom! a09c17d780 Title: Gladius | Gladiator VR Sword fightingGenre: Action, Indie, Early AccessDeveloper:VirtualAgePublisher:VirtualAgeRelease Date: 21 Dec, 2016 Gladius | Gladiator VR Sword Fighting Password gladius gladiator vr sword fighting Edited after the Dev (very polietly I thought) mentioned I'd missed various settings and trying again after the latest patchThis is a vey ambitious project with a lot of content that's getting updates from the Dev.Visuals - Initially before messing with the settings I found it rather rough and unclear/harsh in the armoury / market. Having put the screen percentage up to max (200 iirc) and all the other settings to Epic it still runs really smooth and looks a lot better and clearerCombat - Disclaimer... I've spent many years involved in Viking/Medieval reenactment with real weapons / armour...Not LARP and very initially it seems quite good.... but it's a but floaty when it gets into close combat.... there's this soldier with 4 foot of sword and his arm but suddenly it's all quick attacks simply by wiggling his arm. With the latest update the combat is getting betterChariots - This starts off okay, ignoring the unclear visuals. All seems quite good. 2 horses, 2 reigns, whip the reigns to increase to the next speed which the horses stay at then start to slow if not whipped again, pull back on one or both reigns to turn or slow, places to mount your shield on the side of the chariot, weapons to hand....All looking very promising and while heading up the straight it all works as expected...then you enter the turn and sudenly all logic, physics and reality suddenly fly straight out the window with the devs deciding that even though you are standing in a chariot that is being pulled by horses and the horses going round the turn, which pulls the chariot round the corner with them...doesn't actually work unless you physically turn yourself round in the chariot as otherwise the chariot will not go round the's like saying a car won't go round a corner without turning yourself in the seat....Turns out this is another setting that is set by default to reduce motionsickness. Changing the setting and you turn round the corner as you should and it's so much more funThe chariot crashing is obviously a Micheal Bay production...considering the chariots are usually well attached to the horses it's amazing to see how in this game almost ANY hit to the chariot will result in instant disconnection from the horses, the front of the chariot digs in and flys a long distance through the air every damn time. Short version: *For $10, this is a no-brainer. Still an easy choice at $15.*Join the Discord - - and help with testing and development.*Core combat physics are RAPIDLY improving and are easily enjoyable by this point*Dev is highly committed and passionateLong version:Damn, have I not reviewed this yet?Okay, so - I am a big Sword Master VR fan. It's one of the most enjoyable games out there, highly immersive, and fun for pure swordplay enthusiasts. It makes me incredibly sad that the dev is done with that game. Swords and shiz are why I bought VR - that and guns and other stuff, but really mostly sword-y stuff after playing Circle of Saviors at an arcade here in Tokyo.Gladius, when I initially came across this game, didn't really engage me as much - the combat felt clumsy and not as immersive. BUT, since I've bought the game and helped actively test betas and provide feedback (the Day 3 bow/arrow crash involved a lot of testing on my end before we got a fix), it's become clear that the dev is really committed to making this a premiere sword combat game, along with a lot of really fun period/fantasy content. Communication lines are clear and open, and the dev is actively listening. Of course, I'm talking about the future. Right now, the game is still fun. For your pure swordplay enthusiasts, you have a Training mode in a small arena with a highly-customizable set of enemies, and adjustable animation speed (being tweaked in a future release) depending on how smooth/easy you want your combat. I like to cheat and turn on debug mode, have unlimited health, and go into Training mode with a couple of Barbarians (two-handed wielders = easier to read and parry attacks) for awhile. For those wanting more of a campaign mode, you have the Games (as in of the Colosseum), which are a bit limited now but have more content coming in later on - including Co-op play!As to weapons and shields, there appears to be a strong variety on first blush, but you'll find that certain weapons are a lot harder than others (the shorter your weapon, the harder you're going to find your life, since enemies only come in close briefly - and shorter weapons don't seem to have any greater damage than longer ones). It would be fun to see a viable option like the jagged short-sword/dagger/whatever in Sword Master VR (a personal favorite in the off-hand). However, there are interesting weapons like the khopesh, and you have your token katanas as well - plus two-handed weapons, although I believe that's being fully implemented in the near future. Shields are ... I suppose fine? I don't use them much, although I should. The dev has said he'll be putting a bit more variety in shields to create more varied gameplay. Physics: Good, and improving. The dev has spent a lot of time lately on making collision physics more accurate and satisfying - which has shown in how well swords and shields interact now. There are a few areas where parrying isn't quite as reliable, but those gaps are being closed.Enemy AI: Decent, but has some areas that need work in terms of aggressiveness, spacing, and attack timing/strategy in order to make a really compelling swordfighting title. But, that's on the roadmap, so that's good.Visual/interactivity polish: Not bad. Voiceover needs a rework and there's not much in terms of introducing new players to the game (you start the game, and there you are with a menu and some basic info), but I personally don't care all that much about anything beyond core gameplay.For reference, this is my current ranking of satisfying sword combat experiences (asterisks mark games I haven't played but listing is based on my impressions from video reviews / other games) and my impression of what direction these games are going in the ranking (+ for 'rising', - for 'falling', = for 'no change'):(List as of Dec 18 2018)1) Blade & Sorcery (=)2) Gladius (=)3) GORN (=)And there's such a huge gap between 3 and 4, really below here it's not worth talking about imo.4) Vanishing Realms (=)5) Spell Fighter (-)6) Deus Vult (?) (is this game dead?)7) Titan Slayer (=)8) Sairento (=)9) Raw Data (=)For $10, buy it, for sure. At $15 still well worth it.. fun for the first few days in the game until the minataurs and catapults. ♥♥♥♥ your catapults and minataurs. I gotta say, if you really like immersive sword fighting in VR, and the ancient rome times, you gotta try this game, I know i only have a few hours on it (will changed later, but none the less), But its the best hours ive played so far. I really suggest this game to people who want a in-dept VR game that has good physics based sword fighting.'All thats left for me to say in this review is, Its definatly worth 15 dollars, even if its in early access.. If you enjoyed GORN and want more of solid feeling melee combat, this is the one to pick up. The fighting all feels smooth and there's already a fair bit of depth.. Great game. Just had a real workout trying to get through the first mission on the hardest difficulty. I have not had any crashing issues or other issues yet. The items can be a little glitchy when trying to pick up or put down, and the enemy esspessially the tiger can get tossed really far. and i had the issue that a tiger would get trapped on the outside. but other than those two minor issues its great for what it is. Im really looking forward to more missions coming out. A suggestion to something to add would be a survival mode or something, i played training against sword masters and would like to be able to tell who many i killed before dying :) that would be a good game mode i think, esspessially if you can choose your oponent like in training, nice thing to be competetive with your friends. To people wanting to buy this i think you should take extra care to not have anything close to your playing area, as you will get very .. entusiastic and may punch a wall or someone if you are unlucky xD. well i love the game but i mean when you got to day 7 and made it the game just stop i was looking forward to new things like weapons and maybe more enemies and just new things i mean there was a lot you could do with it i mean why stop you know but ya if you like gorn but want it to be a little more realistic then get it but just saying it will get boring after beating all the levels and other stuff but ya its like dead now no new updates no new content its sad to me i loved the game but when they do make new content for the game i will change my comment ( I don't really know what to put this as yes or a no but its a 50% 50% now so i am going with the yes but this is in the middle). Here is my first time gameplay video: also review other VR games on my channel:'m a huge fan of Gorn for VR and Ryse for Xbox so I was pretty excited to play this one. The game is really easy to jump into. The graphics are great as well as the sound. This game has several glitches I noticed but nothing major. The game ran great; I really hope to see new content come out for this very soon!


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